If you want to stop the bomber please click the stop bombing button.

 How to use Call Bomber?

using our tool is just as simple as using your eyes to see. With that said, just look for some quick steps below for your assistance.
Step 1: First, mention the contact number of the person you wish to prank.
Step 2: Second, just hit that Start button.

With just these 2 steps your goal to spam someone's phone with unwanted calls and irritate them gets to work and your shared contact number will be flooded with incoming calls. You can stop these calls by again pressing the Stop button that flashes on our screen.

 What is a Call Bomber?

Along with our popular tool called SMS Bomber, we build another one called CALL BOMBER for you. It is a similar kind of tool that you can use to prank your friends or family or anyone in your vicinity with a lot of unpredictable calls to their number. You can use our tool to prank them by ringing their phone innumerable times causing them to get irritated.

Again, we build this tool just to have a little fun activity. It is not to be used to harm anyone in any scenario.